I am grateful that yesterday I was finally able to celebrate Nadiya's 8th birthday.
Ergo, before this, I wasn't able to come to Aziem's or Udden's Birthday, so this time I made an effort to come to Nadiya's birthday, better put my face somewhere.
I am grateful that I had enough money to buy all 3 of them presents, although it reached more than the budget I had expected, it was still enough to get me back to my house, the taxi driver was asking where in the world my house was, it seemed it was at the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the forest.
I bought Nadiya a nice little pink rabbit, I wanted to remind her about me, so I thought to myself, a stuffed rabbit would do!

Only Nuaim wasn't home yet, being in the middle between the two factions of "seniors" and "juniors" in the family, he was best of both worlds. There was some problems regarding his ticket back to Malaysia, alas, I'm grateful that he is still alright, he didn't even whine about it, he just said that if worst case scenario, he would celebrate at Bandung. He is so cheerful.
Ergo, I hope to see everyone this Eidul Fitri, This year I'll be the one driving back to "Kampung", I'm already a pro in long distance driving, my mum even went on calling me a very "ethical" driver. Thanks Ummi.
I am grateful to be home.