Waiting patiently by the balcony and even behind bushes, finally the gargantuan white monster has arrived, giving out a loud creaking voice like an old rusty truck that has seen better days before, the sound as you would notice would give away it's presence and it's age, and it's age, it's age is that of very old has it stayed with this family. the person driving it was even older.
As the white monster came about, making itself comfortable under the shady artificial perches facing the hills and also the river beyond, the loud creaking voices it would make suddenly came to a stop, signalling that it's a sleep. And so the rider then came out.
Slim and skinny, with shadows under his eyes, a beard that would have seen better ages, and the most irresistible smile as some folk would say, waiting was the 3 young ones for this man was.
As the young - man - with - old - and - pale - features came scurrying about his belongings, a huge satchel which he would use to keep his belongings and a large case where he place his most trusted weapon, the eldest of the 3 came galloping forward, eager to help carry what treasures this old one has brought back.
The young man would then enter his room, as neat as it was the day he left it, and proceed to removing the items in his satchel.
The 3 would then burst into his room, celebrating by jumping up and down on the bed and floors for they know that there will be fun and happiness and excitement in the presence of the young man and his prize possessions.
* * *
That is the norm as I would come home. There was never a silent moment at my arrival.
The sounds of Aziem asking whether I bought him any presents or Fiddauddeen asking whether he can borrow my laptop and play games or my little Nadiya asking whether I could accompany her shopping and help her with her arts and crafts.
My parents have been, and I forgive them for it, been busy with work. I know that they may have to be committed to certain agendas that may put the little "Malaysian" siblings aside for a moment.
As I get older, I realize many of the experiences and adventures I had during my childhood could not be experienced by my 3 smaller siblings. My childhood as I vaguely remember was filled with the most thrilling things that made me appreciate the little time I had with my ever growing family.
When I was a small boy, I remember going to Disneyland, Florida. I would run away from the gigantic teddy bear, while my sister and my mum would pull me to take a picture together. I had the fun of being tutored personally on how to swim by my dad, I would climb his back and paddle, my dad would toss me high into the sky and I would sky dive into the swimming pool. I remember proudly bringing my mum to my class in Virginia, I would show off to my friends how my mum was cooler than theirs (she looked like a ninja!!!), and she would tell a story about Malaysia and my friends would listen intently, I even had the pleasure of bringing my mum over for my birthday at school.
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Nadiya learning how to skate - next week we'll go again |
We were a close - knitted family then. So close that it would be hard to imagine how my siblings felt while my parents were busy with work.
And thus it came to my realization that I wanted the same thing for my little siblings too. A few weeks ago, Nadiya asked me to become her "parent" for family day. I was caught off-guard, I had classes on that day, her eyes were glittering with hope. My dad used to tell me that if you wanted to tell something important to a child you should lower your body so you will be at eye level with the child and they would see you as a friend rather than looking from above like a grumpy - grown up.
And so, I stooped to her level and held her hands and speak, explaining clearly that I couldn't come. her face would change to a disappointment, but the good news I told her was that next time I'll promise to bring her out Ice - Skating when I come back home. Her face quickly brightened and she hurried to find her memo and jot down that promise I made to her.
Fiddauddeen would keep himself locked up in his room upstairs without taking notice of the events below, he would either be reading a novel that is more advance than his age, study or play games. How lonely has he been up there? When I was his age I couldn't fathom being separated from my sister, I would tally her wherever she would go from her hobbies to the school she went up to the point I almost wanted to go to the same University.That bond we shared was a power - boost for me during my hard times.

When I was a young boy, I had an eye for creation and inventions. My dad realized this and bought me a lego set, then it expanded to the mind storm Lego set with which I finally won my first ever Robotics competition and now as I told my dad that I wanted to become a Computer Software Engineer, he bought me a 2.7k Desktop intel i5 with GTX graphic cards. When my mum knew that my asthma was severe, she would insist that I don't push myself in sports, but I was stubborn, I wanted to show that I was as capable as any other kid in sports, so she found an alternative, swimming and archery. I had it more in archery than in swimming, I would tell my mum I wanted to do archery and she would buy me a 3k Compound Semi Hunting bow, with full knowledge that I might not be able to win anything with it, but she told me she could sense my passion in it, that's why she bought it.
In Uddeen's case, is it a repetition of what we 4 wanted or was that really what he wanted all his life? Is he afraid to tell our parents what he really wanted for fear that he might be different and cast in our shadow? That, evening I would call him down and tell him why don't we play outside? He would offer to play basketball and badminton. We had a duel on his behest, with me coming out victorious of course. But the smile of satisfaction of playing with me was brighter than what I could tell. It was him who wanted to play badminton with not the other way around. Nightfall, we would gather in my room and I would teach him the latest tactics in Skyrim and Torchlight. how awful it felt that his level was over mine. He would ask me what would be the best way to fight bosses and gain loots. It was this short time he was out of his room and downstairs. And when I told him play time was up, he would willingly comply and asked whether we could play again, to which I agreed.
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Let's go exploring outside!!! |
Aziem was the most thrilled one when I came back home, to the point if I didn't came back for some time he would ask my mum where I was. At a very young age he had to go to kindergarten because our parents were working. I only remembered going to kindergarten periodically and seldom I think more than a year I would be at school at his age.
When I was young my parents were young too, so many of the fun things I could do could be enjoyed by them also. But as time passes, and I'm growing up, they are getting older and maybe lack the energy they used to have. I once played PlayStation with my dad, he would even go as far as buying me games he thought was cool like Football, Digimon World and Street Fighter to the point we could be up all night. The real thrill of playing with my dad wasn't the fact that he would buy games, but the fact he would actually give time to play with me even though he was an adult. It made you felt happy and exciting when we played, that somehow adults can become children.
Coming back home, I will try and make a point of being with Aziem as much as possible. There was this one time he wanted to see me play a horrific zombie game, he was gripping my hand, and yet I was laughing as I shot down the zombies and he would clap in excitement. Can I become a companion to Aziem and make him feel happy the same way how my father did? Was he searching for companionship and friends to play with him? Was his time filled with joy and happiness? One night, Aziem saw me doing my assignment on my laptop, he asked what I was doing, I replied it was homework. he didn't looked too happy at that reply, but nevertheless he took a Dinosaur children's book. he would flip the pages and ask me what were the dinosaurs in each page. I would stop momentarily from my work and tell him, he would repeat it over and over again, till some point he slept right next to me. I went into my bedroom and grabbed my pillow and blanket. I covered him with a blanket and slept next to him, he snug towards my pillow, crickets chirped outside as night passes.
* * *

Maybe I can't create an exact replica of the childhood I had with them but I promise, I'll come back home as often as I can and continue to play with them and make their childhood as memorable as I can, that is what a big brother does. =)