Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mawlidur Rasul

The earliest accounts for the observance of Mawlid can be found in eighth-century Mecca, when the house in which Muhammad was born was transformed into a place of prayer by Al-Khayzuran (mother of Harun al-Rashid, the fifth and most famous Abbasid caliph).[5] The early celebrations included elements of Sufic influence, with animal sacrifices and torchlight processions along with public sermons and a feast.[6][7] The celebrations occurred during the day, in contrast to modern day observances, with the ruler playing a key role in the ceremonies.[8] Emphasis was given to the Ahl al-Bayt with presentation of sermons and recitations of the Qur'an. The event also featured the award of gifts to officials in order to bolster support for the ruling caliph.[8]

The first public celebrations by Sunnis took place in twelfth-century Syria, under the rule of Nur ad-Din Zangi Though there is no firm evidence to indicate the reason for the adoption of the Shi'ite festival by the Sunnis, some theorise the celebrations took hold to counter Christian influence in places such as Spain and Morocco.[9] Theologians denounced the celebration of Mawlid as unorthodox,[10] and the practice was briefly halted by the Ayoubides when they came to power, becoming an event confined to family circles.[11] It regained status as an official event again in 1207 when it was re-introduced by Muzaffar ad-din, the brother-in-law of Saladin, in Arbil, a town near Mosul, Iraq.[6][7]

The practice spread throughout the Muslim world, assimilating local customs, to places such as Cairo, where folklore and Sufic practices greatly influenced the celebrations. By 1588 it had spread to the court of Murad III, Sultan of the Ottoman empire.[5][12] In 1910, it was given official status as a national festival throughout the Ottoman empire. Today it is an official holiday in many parts of the world.[5]

Legality of Mawlid

Islamic scholars are divided on whether observing Mawlid is necessary or even permissible in Islam. Some see it as a praiseworthy event and positive development,[13][14] while others say it is an improper innovation and forbid its celebration.

A number of Islamic scholars, such as Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, Gibril Haddad, and Zaid Shakir, all subscribing to the Sufi movement, and Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the primary scholar of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, have given their approval for the observance of Mawlid.[15] They cite hadith where Muhammad recommended fasting on Mondays, as that was the day he was born and also the day prophecy descended on him.[14] They suggest that fasting on Mondays is also a way of commemorating Muhammad's birthday. However, there is division among them on the lawfulness of the methods of the celebrations. Most accept that it is praiseworthy as long as it is not against sharia (i.e. inappropriate mingling of the sexes, consuming forbidden food or drink such as alcohol, playing music etc).[14]

Notable scholars who consider Mawlid to be bid'ah and forbid its celebration include Muhammad Taqi Usmani, a Hanafi scholar from Pakistan who has served as a judge on the Shariah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and subscribes to the Deobandi movement, and Abd-al-Aziz ibn Abd-Allah ibn Baaz, who was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia subscribing to the Salafi movement.[16] Although all agree that the birth of Muhammad was the most significant event in Islamic history, they point out that the companions of Muhammad and the next generation of Muslims did not observe this event.[17] Furthermore, they highlight that Muhammad did not observe the birth or death anniversaries of his family and loved ones, including that of his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, nor did he advise his followers to observe his birthday.[17]

Taken from Wikipedia

The Problem

so whats the problem with celebrating mawlidur rasul?

well it's all a mind set issue actually. The mindset of the ummah that the mawlidur rasul is actually just celebrated today. what do I mean by mindset? well lets see what happened in Malaysia. just to make things clear, I hope anyone who reads this could have an open mind about what I say and if there are some of us who differ then please do not hesitate to discuss things peacefully. I just felt the conscience to tell this to everyone (especially Malaysian Politician Leaders).

on the night of the Mawlidur Rasul I've just heard the PM said that we need to follow the ways of the prophet and how he lived build a country and so on.

Well just to point out: YOUR CONTRADICTING YOURSELF!!!

  1. You still allow alcohol in Malaysia (Madinah had lots of Jews and Christ, but I don't see that stopping the prophet from banning alcohol)
  2. The mosques are still not full, not to mention that the prophet once said that the most important ibadah to do is to make sure you do your prayers at the allocated time. i haven't seen yet any Politicians coming to my neighborhood and ask people to go and do pray early (that is if they ever pray themselves).
  3. There are still Social Problems, sexual harassment, Mat Rempit and stuff and I don't see any policy that might actually help curb this. Why some politicians even refute the idea that if a girl/women wore attires that clearly close the aurah they will not be raped. They say that it's the problem of the person doing it. well unlikely for you the chance of somebody wearing a bra or even nude will be raped even more than somebody wearing a jubah (that is if somebody even had the lust to do it to someone wearing a jubah). I'm a little confused when one of the politicians said that it was important to follow the prophet's way, well the prophet pointed out that his wife wore a scarf, covered her whole hair, without showing her neck. Well sorry to point it out, many politicians wives don't wear a head scarf, and if they did, you could still see there hair and neck. Shame of you!!!
I for one feel that it's a bad idea to "just" celebrate Mawlidur Rasul today. There is this mindset that every ummah right now has. And it's a bad one. We all remember the prophet only today. we say we love him only today. and we only pray for him only for today. And maybe, only today we would do what he asked us to do.


That's how it all started. From the Abbasiyyah empire, during the Fathimiah regime, creating this wondrous day. And from that day on we suddenly became infected the same way the Christians celebrated their Christmas. Some Bloody mindset that only today is the best day and only today we should remember the prophet.

Those who read this take out this lunatic mindset!!
Think about it.....................
What if everyday was a Mawlidur Rasul?
What if everyday we did cheers for the prophet?
What if everyday the Prime Minister reminded us to follow the ways of the prophet?

Whether you realize it our not, everyday is your birthday, you grow up everyday, same like the prophet's. So why can't we make every day a Mawlidur Rasul and embrace the ways of the prophet?
why can't we follow his way of life?
Why can't we follow him to heaven?

If we cleared our mindset and think that everyday is a Mawlidur Rasul, then surely I believe the world will be a better place......

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